Botminds V19 Release

13 June 2023

We are excited to introduce Botminds' latest achievement, Version 19 of our AI platform. This cutting-edge update stands as a testament to our continuous dedication to capitalize on recent advancements in AI and generative technologies. It is our pleasure to present an array of innovative features specifically designed to offer enhanced value, functionality, and user experience. Included in this release, you'll find -

  • Prompts Labs/Prompt Automation – natural language prompts to generate models.
  • chatMinds – ask/chat/converse with documents.
  • Workflow Visualization

Prompt Labs

Prompt automation via Prompt Labs is a game-changing feature that allows business users to use prompts (in natural language) to generate predictions & models. Users do not have to rely on engineers or developers to create models.

The user can play around with different sets of prompts, give the document(s) as an input and check the predicted output. There are multiple options to finetune the prompt and once satisfied with the predictions (data extracted), the prompt can be saved to Prompt Labs.

Users can create multiple versions of the same prompt by changing the values of the prompt and maintain history.

The prompt can be saved as a model in one click and added to the AI Pipeline like custom and pretrained models.


Botminds has leveraged Large Language Models (LLM) and generative AI to launch chatMinds, which allows users to upload unstructured data such as PDFs, emails, word documents, images, and audio files; and then proceed to chat/ask or converse with the documents. This is a powerful, new way to ‘search’ for information across documents that augments the query-based cognitive search capability present in the platform.

The user can ask question related to the documents and receive summarized answers, with the reference from where the answer was extracted, and quickly navigate to the section (deep-linking)

The user can chat at a project level or document level also. Chat history is also maintained per conversation. Follow-up questions are answered based on chat history.


You can convert any project in Botminds to a chat-plugin. We provide you with a script, once it is added to your website then you can ask any questions related to the project and it will answer in real-time. A website can be scraped and converted into a chatbot that will converse in a human-understandable way.

Workflow Visualization

Workflow graph UI

The process workflow is depicted in a visual flow diagram and users can directly modify the process from the graph. Workflow nodes are separated into document stages & activities.  The view is provided in three tabs -

  1. Graph - Graph pane shows the graphical view of workflow – depicting how each stage/activity connects with the other.
  2. Stages - Stage pane shows the list of all doc stages.
  3. Activities - Activities which are essentially automations or manual triggers like user manually uploading a doc or using data feed to trigger an email are activities and not doc stages, are shown here.

Workflow Graph Widget with deeplinking. By clicking the number marked on a stage, the list of documents in that stage is listed.

Some other key aspects are -

  • Each node can be expanded to view more details
  • Edges can be labelled.
  • Legends – user configurable colors to segregate workflow nodes
  • Workflow nodes are separated into document stages & activities

Other improvements and enhancements in this release include -

  • OCR Update
  • Default dashboard for new projects
  • Lookup Update improvement
  • Project document listing page simplification
  • Automation trigger on Annotation event

Default Dashboard for new projects

When we create a new project - by default predefined widgets are added to the project. This includes -

  1. Data Period selection for widgets (All, Last 7/14/30 days)
  2. Deep-link support for dashboard
  3. The document counts in the widget results are made hyperlink and clicking on them will take the users to the document listing page and showing the corresponding documents.

Lookup Update improvement

Consolidated Derivation Label configuration in Label settings for lookup update: Previously, two options were available for lookup update - normal and consolidated lookup at document and project level.  To bring more control a new configuration at a label level was added - "Consolidated Derivation Label". With this, on single lookup update either at document level or project level, (based on configuration) will automatically update the lookup values.

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Project document listing page simplification

  1. In the document listing page, on hovering the mouse on each document, there are several icons and buttons. Earlier, there was no option to hide these.  A new configuration in the studio overview page, "Disable Diagnostics" hides all the icons related to document.
  2. There are other options - "Disable Dashboard", "Disable Dashboard Overview", "Disable Chat", that will hide the dashboard, its overview and chat.
  3. One more option to Disable the document set related icons, is available in the document listing page extra menu. "Disable Document Set Edit"

Automation trigger on annotation event

  • Data Feed is mainly used for notifications like Email, slack and webhook. We can add dynamic label values to email to address, subject and mail content.
  • It is also used for actions such as Creating Document Set or Triggering RPA Bot for certain events.
  • In addition to that, Workflow Stage action will be executed based on the Annotation event and conditions.

How to Configure
1. Go to the Data Feeds.
2. Create Annotation Event and Chose Workflow Stage as Action.
3. Select the labels and its values, which will act as a condition.
4. Select the ‘To Stage’ and ‘To Fail Stage’.
5. All the Annotation events and Lookup update (Manual or Ingestion or Rescore) events will trigger the actions

Graphical user interface, application, Teams

Description automatically generated

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