Botminds V10.5

24 May 2021

Simplified Annotation (Point and click):

The process of extracting keywords for the attributes just got easier. We've made the process of extracting values simpler.

Annotators need not search the whole paragraph and extract the keyword for training, with new approach they can train with 2 simple clicks – Hold Shift + text from the document and assign directly to the specific labels. Users fond of the previous approach can still continue to follow the same.

point and click

Orchestration filter:
We've now introduced a new top count filter as a configuration at the model level in orchestration. This will be useful when we want to filter and surface the top 'n' paragraphs (sorted by the confidence score) in the summary. Also, only those 'n' paragraphs will be considered for the subsequent orchestrated child models.

Taxonomy enhancements:

With this current release, we've added some enhancements to the labels section in the taxonomy page.

Label Search - The user can now quickly search for the desired label.

label search

Expand/Collapse All Labels - Using this option, the labels can be expanded/collapsed in case a label hierarchy exists.

expand/collapse label

Label Export - The labels can now be exported into a tsv file, thereby enabling label import under a different taxonomy.

Keyword Highlight - In the examples tab, the user can now see the extracted keyword highlighted in the paragraph itself, which helps in a faster review process.

keyword highlight

What's new:
Any new release on the product can now be checked from the portal itself. With a direct link to the latest release notes page, the user can now view, what new has been recently published in the product.

Help tips:

From this release and later, the user will start to see a help tip icon in different pages of the product. This will help in quickly understanding the capability of the option or a feature itself.

Summary filter:

A new filter has been introduced in the summary. Using this, the user can see the values in the summary pertaining only a specific label. To add one more level, we can now see values specific to a selected paragraph too.

Table view for Records:

In addition to the list and grouped view we already have for displaying records in the summary, we now have introduced a table view. You don’t have to scroll through all the records. You can see all the grouped values in a table format which gives an uncluttered and a better viewing experience.

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