Risk Underwriting

Create Standardised Case Reports from patient health history records to aid Risk Underwriters

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100K+ pages of patient medical history records in scanned image format needed to be converted into structured standardized case reports in order to aid underwriters.


250+ SMEs each day case reports were created using manual data entry without any search capabilities.

250+ SMEs each day case reports were created using manual data entry without any search capabilities.

Patient data privacy and data security is the foremost concern for SMEs. They work using secure networks on the client environment using only client-vetted applications.

Patient data privacy and data security is the foremost concern for SMEs. They work using secure networks on the client environment using only client-vetted applications.

Case reports were de-linked from source image files severely hampering underwriters in their work.

Case reports were de-linked from source image files severely hampering underwriters in their work.

Risk evaluation was completely manual & subjective to the underwriters analysis and understanding of the case.

Risk evaluation was completely manual & subjective to the underwriters analysis and understanding of the case.

Botminds Solution

Botminds AI augments underwriters with automatic highlighting of risks hidden anywhere in the documents.

Botminds AI augments underwriters with automatic highlighting of risks hidden anywhere in the documents.

Every data & every decision is always provided with deep linking to the original source document and hence traceability.

Every data & every decision is always provided with deep linking to the original source document and hence traceability.

With Bots powered by SMEs intelligence, your underwriting process can be scaled in one click.

With Bots powered by SMEs intelligence, your underwriting process can be scaled in one click.


Rapid Onboarding

Deployed in customer’s client owned private cloud. Intelligent OCR along with automatic case report generation.

Time Saved

SMEs doing only validation and missed value fills. Underwriters are aided by risk suggestions

Accurate Data

Always 100% accurate data deliveries from 1st day with human in the loop solution deployed.

More Capacity

Same solution pitched to multiple clients. Processing 3X more volume.

See Botminds Platform In Action

Learn how Botminds Intelligent Document Process can drive ROI, reduce costs, and save time for your business.
